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Schools in Gorey

primary and secondary Schools in Gorey Courtown and North Wexford, further education and evening classes in gorey

Gorey Adult Education The Adult Education Department at Gorey Community School is a vibrant unit with accredited up-to-date night classes and courses, modern technology and professional teaching staff. Tel: 053-94-21167
(Clicks: 48; Listing added: Dec 1, 2009) Listing Details Report Broken  Listing
Gorey Community School aims to provide a comprehensive system of post-primary education open to all in the community, by offering a broad curriculum in a structured positive environment. Students are encouraged to reach their potential in all aspects of school life, practical, academic, creative, social, cultural, spiritual, moral and physical
(Clicks: 151; Listing added: Nov 30, 2009) Listing Details Report Broken  Listing
Gorey Educate Together National School, like all Educate Together schools, has an ethos based on four principles, being: * Child-centred * Co-educational * Multi-denominational * Democratically run Fundamentally, these principles are aimed at creating the kind of school environment which allows for greater partnership in the education of our children.
(Clicks: 107; Listing added: Nov 30, 2009) Listing Details Report Broken  Listing
kilmurry Nursery Gorey, Award winning herbaceous perennial nursery for retail and wholesale sales. Full catalogue available on line and visitors are welcome to visit by appointment
Tel: 053-9480223
(Clicks: 18; Listing added: Dec 1, 2009) Listing Details Report Broken  Listing
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